Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Fear!

Fear is one of the main reasons people refuse to begin or start in a new area of their lives. We might be reluctant due to the fact that people might not embrace us, maybe look at us funny or try to prevent us from following our goal. But here is the thing, only you can do what God has chosen you to do. So by refusing to fulfill your potential you are robbing the world of the one thing that could have save them, change their life, make their lives fruitful, stop them from making the greatest mistake of their life or help them make the best decision of their life. Our life was not given to us to be selfish with, it was given to us to reach the world, make a difference, and use our influence in a positive way. To not use your potential or fulfill your goals because we say, “who am I to do such a thing?” Is an injustice to the Awesome God that created you, an injustice to society when we are looking for new leaders in this new generation, and a direct injustice to the lives you would have directly influence.

We can all accomplish our dreams, goals, plans or our ideas. But we have to realize that success is intentional. Every successful person set out to be a success. Why because success does not happen by accident. Success is created by careful planning, acting on the plan, and sticking with the plan. Far too many people start down the road of success and falter due to incorrect planning or have a great plan, but bail on the plan before its time. Success is simple but not easy. Everyone knows to be successful it takes hard work. Generally people try to become successful in areas that come natural for them. So when they are executing or planning things that others find difficult or near impossible, they find it comes natural or sometimes easy. So the question then is why are there not more successful people in the world? Here is your answer. REPETITION! Success takes repetition, repetition, repetition, and most people get fed up and quit, lose confidence or let circumstance detour them. Ask any successful person how many times they had to try, how long it took to get right, how many people turn them down. And you will find the same common factor; they all keep trying (repetition). 

There is no one thing that is in me that allows me to accomplish goals or fulfill dreams that is not in you or vice versa. We are all created equal. We all have dreams, which we all can accomplish. Some people might accomplish all there goals some might accomplish one, but the only people that will not accomplish their goal, plan or fulfill their dream are the people who never try!

I Am The Bahamian Dream
Paxton Pharez Cooper


alpha23 said...

well said bro!
and like the bible says "God HAS NOT given us a spirit of fear but of LOVE,PEACE and a SOUND MIND"

Unknown said...

deep stuff, nephew - and soooooo true!!!!