Monday, November 17, 2008

Crazy, Sexy, Cool and Educated

More About Me

I am crazy sexy cool and educated, well maybe not sexy but I am definitely crazy cool and educated. I am crazy because of my enthusiastic approach to just about everything, my love for laughter, sharing great moments with friends, the wild things I do and say, and if you spend more than ten minutes with me you will see why I say I am crazy.

I ‘m sexy not because of my physical appearance but because of how I approach life. I more than make it look good I make it feel good. My sexy isn’t determined on what I wear or my fitness. My sexy comes from my swagger, my confidence, my approach and my warm personality. My sexy comes from my humble independence that I was created in the image of God, and God doesn’t do ordinary so I am extraordinary. My sexy is nothing physical, it’s all inside me it’s my mental and psychological and it comes out of my voice, my pores and my eyes and allows you to see me in a different light.

I am cool because I am not what you expect. I always know what to say to turn the situation around for the better, I bring out the best in people and my charisma is contagious. I’m like a cool breeze on a hot summer day and I never panic because God is in control. I wear my smooth semi gloss smile like I got it from my barber with my shape up, perfect! I usually don’t rush because it can’t happen until I get there, but I won’t make you wait too long cause I know how to do just right. I’m cooler than the other side of the pillow! 

Educated, yes due to some tertiary education, but I’m educated in matters of the heart, situations that matter to people. I am pleased to be blessed by God with all my senses. Especially the common sense, or should I say the uncommon sense as it seems to be so rare these days. My education scope reaches from national to international affairs, Sports, movies, fashion, books, music, the Bible, people, business, the body and some psychology. I’m educated because I listen, I read, I watch, I learn, I ask questions, admit when I’m wrong, I listen to those who walked before me and it also helps that I’m the son of a wise man. 

My name is Paxton Pharez Cooper and I’m crazy sexy cool and educated.



Unknown said...

and you forgot to add - humble!!!!lol!!!!! But I agree with everything that you wrote!!!! You are indeed - crazy, sexy, cool!!!! Watch out world!!!!

alpha23 said...

wow, felt like i was reading a biography about
"i more than make it look good i make it feel good" STOP DAT !!!
another great post bro.