Monday, November 17, 2008

Crazy, Sexy, Cool and Educated

More About Me

I am crazy sexy cool and educated, well maybe not sexy but I am definitely crazy cool and educated. I am crazy because of my enthusiastic approach to just about everything, my love for laughter, sharing great moments with friends, the wild things I do and say, and if you spend more than ten minutes with me you will see why I say I am crazy.

I ‘m sexy not because of my physical appearance but because of how I approach life. I more than make it look good I make it feel good. My sexy isn’t determined on what I wear or my fitness. My sexy comes from my swagger, my confidence, my approach and my warm personality. My sexy comes from my humble independence that I was created in the image of God, and God doesn’t do ordinary so I am extraordinary. My sexy is nothing physical, it’s all inside me it’s my mental and psychological and it comes out of my voice, my pores and my eyes and allows you to see me in a different light.

I am cool because I am not what you expect. I always know what to say to turn the situation around for the better, I bring out the best in people and my charisma is contagious. I’m like a cool breeze on a hot summer day and I never panic because God is in control. I wear my smooth semi gloss smile like I got it from my barber with my shape up, perfect! I usually don’t rush because it can’t happen until I get there, but I won’t make you wait too long cause I know how to do just right. I’m cooler than the other side of the pillow! 

Educated, yes due to some tertiary education, but I’m educated in matters of the heart, situations that matter to people. I am pleased to be blessed by God with all my senses. Especially the common sense, or should I say the uncommon sense as it seems to be so rare these days. My education scope reaches from national to international affairs, Sports, movies, fashion, books, music, the Bible, people, business, the body and some psychology. I’m educated because I listen, I read, I watch, I learn, I ask questions, admit when I’m wrong, I listen to those who walked before me and it also helps that I’m the son of a wise man. 

My name is Paxton Pharez Cooper and I’m crazy sexy cool and educated.


Friday, November 14, 2008


Pray Until Something Happens and Pursue Until Something Happens: It is in the combination of prayer and perseverance that lays the true secret to revealing the keys to your success. Once we realize that our fear of not being good enough is obsolete, and that we are all created with talents and from our talents our dreams usually stem, it is then we become free to let go and follow our dreams. Still coincidentally most dreams stay exactly that, dreams and never become a reality. Why? To simply put it lack of perseverance, remember “great dreams take great people, great effort and a great amount of Time” (Power of a dream). Perseverance is to continue a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Let’s face it, to materialize your dream is a daunting task and it was designed that way, to keep dreams special and exclusive. To begin a journey that few if any people know about and receive minimal or no support, then to arrive at your destination and return first class, is an honor and a privilege few get to demonstrate. Remember this. The state you are in when you reach your dream destination is irrelevant, your mannerism and character upon return demonstrates what your dream means and what it has taught you. See most dreams are not about the end product. They are about the process and the lesson along the way. God is not a cruel individual who is happy watching us fail. He is rooting for us 100%. But we get so caught up in the end product that we miss what we are supposed to be getting. Let me explain. What we call the process to the achievement of our goal is really just the training or preparation. And what happens is we get so set on the final outcome that we miss our lesson, we are later faced with a test and we are not equipped and we fail. Once we fail we have to go through the same process again. Have you ever felt like “why do I always have to go through this?” Or “Lord why this again?” The questions should be what is it I have to learn from this? What is it that I am not getting?  If we achieve our goals without the process of “training” we will not be able to sustain our goals. So by us going through the long grueling process we are essentially preserving or protecting the longevity of the dream.

It is important to know that God is the giver of all abilities, talents and dreams. Once you understand that then we can begin to look at the first P.U.S.H. prayer. Since God is the giver of dreams we need to find out why he has given us the dream and what he wants us to do when we reach our destination. Here is why. It is impossible to accomplish your goal without purpose. Without purpose there is no need to accomplish your goal, which makes the goal easy to walk away from. But with purpose and knowing why you have to do it, how many people you will touch, benefit and encourage, you realize your responsibility. Now it is that much harder for you to stop or give in. Remember “your dream should benefit more than just you” (Power of a dream pt2) (More on this topic to come in a later blog)

Now to the physical pursue. It is all good and well to know what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and why you are going to do it, but this point is equally important, acting on it! Now once we know our purpose we have to make adjustments. I have herd many people use dreams with reference to carrying a child and labor, I like those analogies so I am going to stick with them. When a woman comes to the realization that she has become pregnant the first thing she does is changes her lifestyle to best suit the needs of the child she is carrying. The vast majority of women tend to stop smoking and or drinking if those were habits and begin to eat healthier foods. This is because she knows that she is now the sustaining force for a new life and she would like to give the life the best start possible. The same goes for dreams, we need to make the initial adjustment to our lives to give our dreams a chance. In some cases it may be continuing your education, in other cases it may be giving up certain friends, quitting some habits or just developing boldness to stand up or stand out and make a difference in society.  Other adjustments ladies make is to buy new clothing to make it easier to carry the dream and allow it to be a comfortable transition process. Along with this comes the initial pains and sickness. This can be related to you now embracing the changes that come along with your dream and then comes the problems, financial issues, loved ones you thought would support you are trying to crush your dreams, and circumstances that are out of the realm of your control. But you push on. Now you are in full blown pregnancy in your third trimester the crucial phase, the painful phase, the phase where we get irritated at being in this state of carrying this dream so long by yourself, doing everything in your power to carry it, you made it so long against all odds and now you just want it to work (give birth). This is the point where you need to become more focus then ever, your goal is near. The darkest part of the night is right before the break of dawn, P.U.S.H…..! You can’t make any sudden moves or make any erratic change that can detour your dream or abort the child you are carrying, P.U.S.H…..! It is getting harder because this is the final test of your determination & passion for your task, P.U.S.H…..! You have laid all the infrastructure, did all the research, used all your money, lost too many nights sleep, experienced pain that not only can’t be described, but that no one would subject themselves to, P.U.S.H…..! For months you have changed your life, your physical appearance, no one but you have carried the load; this pregnancy has zapped your energy, all your time and you have no other life besides this, P.U.S.H…..! You can’t give up now everything you have is intertwined in your dream.  You can be the next revolutionary (Martin Luther King Jr., Sir Linden Pindling, Bill Gates or Maya Angelou) your dream may produce a Nobel Prize, P.U.S.H…..! This is your dream given to you by the measure of your ability which God has given to you. Not only was this dream given to you it was tailor made for you. No one else can do it. If you fail, we fail you owe it to society, P.U.S.H….! The greatest woman in my life always tells me “pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on you.”  Pray Until Something Happens and Pursue Until Something Happens.   


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Power of A Dream pt 2

Great dreams take great effort, great people, and a great amount of time. I AM GREAT!

Now there is one real reason why people neglect their dreams, finances! People lack the money to attempt their dreams. Now I’m not going to tell you a way to get money to fund your dream or tell you how to get a grant. But I will tell you something simple but yet profound. Ready…. your dream will finance itself. That’s it. Simple enough right?  First take your dream in phases. I know your goal is to own the best bakery in the community and you don’t have to the money to rent or build a space nor any money for fancy machinery.  But here is what you can do. Start baking on special events or weekends, perfect your abilities, become the very best baker you can be at your home and your talent will make way for you. Be the very best you can be with what you have and you will find that more becomes available. Let us look at some success stories: Bill Gates (Microsoft), Tyler Perry (plays & film), Tom Anderson (myspace), Mark Zuckerberg (facebook), Larry Page & Sergey Brin (google). These men all are billionaires successful in their own right. The great thing about them all is this, they started with littlie or no budget and became the very best they could with the little they had and more became available.

I’m saying all this because I want you to know there are no caps on your dreams and accomplishing them. We were created to be creative and there are no waterfall dreams. If there is a will there is always a way to achievement of your dreams, and if you believe it you can achieve it then half the task is already complete. Especially when your dreams benefit more than just you one, generally speaking the dreams that only benefit you are the hardest to achieve and generally fail because there is no driving force beside self. But if you have something to offer the world, something to change the way things are done, impact the world in a positive way we tend not to give in. This is because we have something to give burning inside waiting to come out and share with the world. The dreams we usually see have great impact are the dreams where we give out of ourselves, these dreams tend to prosper because people want to be a part of the experience, but when your goal is to do it for a return that exclusive to you & there is nothing in it for anyone else no one generally wants to be a part of that. “We can do anything if we apply ourselves.” That’s what my mom always told me! And the Power of A Dream impacts us and others around us before, during and after achievement.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Power of A Dream pt 1

Great dreams take great effort, great people, and a great amount of time. I AM GREAT! 

History has showed us that our dreams generally stem from our talents, the use of our talent (a natural ability or power) allows us to do things companions may look at as usually, crazy and in some cases stupid. The focus here is on the development of your natural ability. You can’t expect everyone to believe in your dream or see how you make the dream a reality. This is why we direct our energy into developing our talent, seeking advice from people who have accomplished similar goals and attach ourselves to purpose driven people of like nature as motivation. 

Your dreams should give you hope, by giving you something to focus on, and a reason to wake up everyday and continue this rat race we call life. Dreams motivate you to never give in to the pressure along the way. Dreams give your life purpose and direction; they also give you a place in the world and allow you to unravel your true potential. A dream also carries a promise of changing your present condition. People usually have big dreams (found hopes) that if accomplished usually change their lives forever. I once heard a statement in the streets. “If you focus your whole family can eat.” My interpretation of this statement has always been when you apply yourself to the necessary steps that you must take to be successful not only do you arrive at the destination of success, but your success becomes so abundant that it changes the lives of everyone close to you. 

On route to your dream or in its accomplishment you should inspire people, and your actions should motivate people to follow their dreams. When you succeed you inject confidence into people who are in similar situations that you overcame. You represent the model of hard work paying and bring a fresh wind of strength to people near giving up. And furthermore your success is important to the people who look up to you. Whether you believe it or not everyone has someone who watches them with admiration cheering for you along the way wanting you to succeed just because they care about your success. With success, you accomplishing your goals in planned out fashion out manner you are now elevated to role model status. With the lack of modern day role models a righteous raise to success gives an alternative to criminal or negative ways to success. In part because people learn from your success and your failures, and when you follow your dream you teach others important lessons.

Now there is one real reason why people neglect their dreams, finances! People lack the money to attempt their dreams. Now I’m not going to tell you a way to get money to fund your dream or tell you how to get a grant. But I will tell you something simple but yet profound. Ready…. your dream will finance itself.

By Paxton P. Cooper

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Fear!

Fear is one of the main reasons people refuse to begin or start in a new area of their lives. We might be reluctant due to the fact that people might not embrace us, maybe look at us funny or try to prevent us from following our goal. But here is the thing, only you can do what God has chosen you to do. So by refusing to fulfill your potential you are robbing the world of the one thing that could have save them, change their life, make their lives fruitful, stop them from making the greatest mistake of their life or help them make the best decision of their life. Our life was not given to us to be selfish with, it was given to us to reach the world, make a difference, and use our influence in a positive way. To not use your potential or fulfill your goals because we say, “who am I to do such a thing?” Is an injustice to the Awesome God that created you, an injustice to society when we are looking for new leaders in this new generation, and a direct injustice to the lives you would have directly influence.

We can all accomplish our dreams, goals, plans or our ideas. But we have to realize that success is intentional. Every successful person set out to be a success. Why because success does not happen by accident. Success is created by careful planning, acting on the plan, and sticking with the plan. Far too many people start down the road of success and falter due to incorrect planning or have a great plan, but bail on the plan before its time. Success is simple but not easy. Everyone knows to be successful it takes hard work. Generally people try to become successful in areas that come natural for them. So when they are executing or planning things that others find difficult or near impossible, they find it comes natural or sometimes easy. So the question then is why are there not more successful people in the world? Here is your answer. REPETITION! Success takes repetition, repetition, repetition, and most people get fed up and quit, lose confidence or let circumstance detour them. Ask any successful person how many times they had to try, how long it took to get right, how many people turn them down. And you will find the same common factor; they all keep trying (repetition). 

There is no one thing that is in me that allows me to accomplish goals or fulfill dreams that is not in you or vice versa. We are all created equal. We all have dreams, which we all can accomplish. Some people might accomplish all there goals some might accomplish one, but the only people that will not accomplish their goal, plan or fulfill their dream are the people who never try!

I Am The Bahamian Dream
Paxton Pharez Cooper